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Fuel Efficiency: How to Save time and Money at the Pump

Fuel Efficiency refers to the amount of time and distance a vehicle can travel without the need to refuel. This idea is also referred to as miles per gallon, meaning how many miles a driver can travel per gallon in their vehicle. A vehicle's fuel efficiency is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when purchasing a vehicle. This is because this factor determines how much of an investment your vehicle can turn out to be. Regardless of your vehicle type, there are always ways to maximize your vehicle's fuel efficiency. With that being said, there are also can be repercussions if your vehicle’s fueling system is not properly managed. In addition to saving money, fuel efficiency’s relevancy is as high as ever due to the need to keep a minimal carbon footprint. 

What causes bad fuel efficiency?

Bad fuel efficiency or gas mileage refers to when a vehicle is not running as efficiently as its capability permits. This means a driver may be losing money because they are needing to fill up their vehicle at a gas station more than is necessary, and with an economy with frequently fluctuating gas prices, this can be costly. 

Causes for decreased fuel efficiency:

  • Faulty Spark Plugs
  • Wrong tire pressure
  • Faulty fuel injectors
  • The act of idling
  • Motor Oil Type
  • Bad air filters

These possible repairs affect gas mileage in various ways. Spark plugs spark combustion in an engine. If misfired, gas mileage is affected. Wrong tire pressure, a common fuel efficiency determinant is luckily an easy repair to correct. Bad fuel injectors cause bad gas mileage because they inject fuel into the engine so if they’re not working properly such as having a leak, less fuel makes it to the engine, hence making it run less efficiently. The type of oil can also affect gas mileage such as if it not high in friction reduction.

Aside from specific components to a car, the driver is often one of the largest causes to decreased fuel efficiency. Aggressive driving such as accelerating quickly, and fluctuating acceleration frequently causes increased fuel consumption. Another driver choice that decreases efficiency includes revving an engine. Also, using the AC at high volumes is a gas consumer.

If it is a vehicle component, it is essential to visit your local certified mechanic for repair to maximize your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, saving money and time at the pump, along with avoiding the problems getting worse which will be more costly and damaging to your vehicle.