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Auto Repair Warnings Indicated by Unusual Sounds

Unusual and unwanted car noises can be concerning, the thought of having to take your car in for an auto repair service can seem financially daunting especially during these times when budgeting is paramount. However, maybe it does not have to be. Here are some ways to identify car noises and the potential problems causing them. Once you have a better idea of what the issue might be that is causing the unwanted noise you may be relieved to find out that it can either easily be repaired without breaking the bank or you could plan accordingly to resolve the issue at hand in an affordable manner. Here is a short list of noises and probable causes.

  • Squealing-often metal-on-metal in nature, possibly exacerbated brakes, pads or rotors
  • Clicking -from under the bonnet might mean your engine is low on oil, problem with the valve train, or possibly a worn out engine for older vehicles.
  • Rattling- indicative of something loose, or that something has lodged itself under the car.
  • Popping/Banging- a vacuum or exhaust leak somewhere, a problem with the catalytic converter, or the engine may be out of tune
  • Spluttering- it could indicate a problem with the engine’s fuel, ignition, or the exhaust system if noise is coming from front of car.
  • Hissing- possible fluid leak touching a hot part of the engine, or a vacuum leak from one of the small hoses around the engine’s air intake.
  • Grinding- sound from your car’s gearbox might be a problem with the clutch thrust bearing, or the clutch itself; shafts and gears inside the transmission
  • Clanging- Might be metal part swinging around and hitting other metal parts something might be loose or detached
  • Whirring- sounding like a fan after engine is turned off might be the operation of cooling fans, auxiliary pumps or air suspension, but not limited to these
  • Knocking- when you accelerate, and can come from an engine that’s poorly tuned, or running on the wrong fuel, low on octane

These are a few of the potential reasons as to why your car may have begun to make any of these noises under no new circumstances. You rely on your vehicle daily and the importance of secure transportation might often times go unnoticed. If your car does randomly begin to make unusual sounds, the correct thing to do is to begin by either trying to identify the cause or to bring in your vehicle to an auto repair shop for a professional inspection. Rest assured that no matter what the cause may be for this new unwelcomed noise, there is always a reliable and reasonable solution.