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Top 7 Check Engine Light Reasons

When the check engine light comes on, it is not the end of the world but it is a sign that there is an immediate problem with vehicle and it cannot be ignored. What does it mean when this light appears? Whether it be blinking or consistent, when the check engine light comes on your vehicle's computer believes there is a problem that is damaging your car's emissions control system. Now this damage and cause of the issue could be a variety of issues and severity. Regardless, this uncertainty of damage needs to be dealt with by an auto repair shop professional because regardless of the issue any problem with your engine will not get better and only get worse. Below we go into detail about the difference between a consistent check engine light to a flashing check engine light and then talk about the 5 most common reasons of why it may appear.

What do the different lights mean?

·     Consistent Light - If you are seeing a consistent check engine light there is a problem with your engine. It is nothing that needs to be attended to with your next paycheck but it is something that is needs to be attended to if you plans to have your car for a longer period. Most of the time when the check engine light comes on it can be fixed at home and is just to signal a loose gas cap. However, if this does not solve the problem we strongly advise you to get the car looked at by a professional mechanic for an inspection.

·     Flashing light - If you are seeing a flashing light on the other hand, this means that you need to pull over immediately as your vehicle has a serious issue (most commonly the engine is misfiring) that could cause severe engine damage. These problems are usually more complicated and therefore it is essential to get your vehicle in the hands of a professional immediately. Do not attempt to drive once this flashing light comes on.

The 5 Most Common Check Engine Light Reasons

·     The oxygen sensors needs a replacement

·     The oxygen sensor measures oxygen in the exhaust to inject the proper amount of fuel to the engine. If there is a problem here, it could cause your vehicle to lose up to 40% off its mpg.

·     The Gas cap is loose or damaged

·     Your gas cap covers the gas tank. It also works to prevent harmful chemicals getting into the environment.

·     The catalytic converter is damaged

·     The catalytic converter protects our environment by converting harmful carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide. Problems arise here due to lack of maintenance.

·     Issue With The Mass Airflow Sensor

·     This sensor measures the amount of air entering the engine to determine how to run your engine efficiently.

·     Spark plugs and wires gone bad

·     The spark plugs on a vehicle work to ignite the gas in the combustion chamber of your vehicle while the spark plug wires deliver the spark from the ignition coil to the spark plugs.

Need further assistance with your check engine light?

Head down to your local auto repair shop for all your vehicle maintenance and engine repair needs. Our certified auto repair technicians have serviced thousands of vehicles and are experts on your engine and identifying any problems that may exist. Call us today to schedule an appointment!